AWS Systems Manager (SSM)  sandbox 


SSM Agent

  • Most SSM functionality depends on this agent being present on the instance to be managed.
  • Pre-installed on Amazon Linux
  • Needs permission AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
  • Use VPC endpoint

Application Manager

Logical grouping of resources to help provide context around resources, and while troubleshooting issues. Discovers related resources automatically, for ex, using CloudFormation templates.


Store and manage configs for environment separate from app code.

Parameter Store

  • No support for multi region
  • No Rotation
  • Optional encryption in-transit, at-rest
  • Region scope
  • Similar to Secrets Manager

Change Management

  • Change Manager
  • Change Calendar: Decide, plan and enforce when changes, can or cannot be made to resources.
  • Maintenance Window
  • Automation: Automate common tasks, uses SSM agent, runbooks etc.

Node Management

  • Compliance
  • Fleet Manager
  • Inventory
  • Session Manager
  • Run Command
  • State Manager
  • Patch Manager
  • Distributor
  • Hybrid Activations


  • Incident Manager
  • Explorer
  • OpsCenter