Storage  sandbox 

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  • What is a “RAID”? Redundant Array of Independent Disks

  • What problem does it solve?

  • Problems with RAID?

Common Types of RAID

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# Minimum number of drives required to create this RAID array ## Number of drives that can fail without data loss

  1. RAID 0
  • atleast 2 drives
  • typically 2 hard drives of equal capacity
  • block level striping, no mirroring, no parity
  • doubles write speed by writing to 2 drives alternatively
  • any failed drive can cause data loss
  1. RAID 1
  • atleast 2 drives
  • mirrored 2 hard drives of equal capacity
  • mirroring, but no striping, no parity
  • either drive can fail without data loss
  • write performance hit due to writing to 2 hard disks, so not good for high performance writes
  • read performance similar to raid 0, data can be read from any drive
  1. RAID 5
  • atleast 3 drives, typically 5
  • block level striping, distributed parity
  • provides higher capacity than 1, and better redundancy than 0
  • array rebuild needs all data to be read, and can cause other drive failures
  • 1 drive can fail without data loss
  1. RAID 6
  • atleast 4 drives, typically 5
  • similar to 5, but 2 drives are dedicated for redundancy
  • block level striping, double distributed parity
  • 2 drives can fail without data loss
  • performance hit until a failed drive is replaced. why?
  • Software RAID - ZFS (RAID-Z3)
  1. RAID 10
  • combination of 1 and 0, typically 4 hard drives
  • striped set of mirrored hard drives
  • benefits of both - redundancy and performace
  • twice the cost


  1. What is the definition of storage? Is cache a storage? Is file storage? Why or why not?
  2. What is “stripe” re: RAID?
  3. What are “parity bits”?
    • Simple form of error detecting code
    • Even (total 1 bits are even) or Odd (total 1 bits are odd)
    • Calculate parity for 1001, even = 1, odd = 0
    • RAIDs recreate data using XOR gate
  4. What is a “block”?