AWS Simple Email Service (SES)  sandbox 

Table of Contents


Send via SMTP - does not support temporary credentials (sts), must create and use an IAM user credential.

Send via API - use normally with temporary credentials (sts)

When using SMTP - use STARTTLS (ports 25, 587, 2587) or TLS wrapper (ports 465, 2465)

Save and use Handlebar templates for sending emails. If using AWS SDK, use the SendTemplatedEmail or SendBulkTemplatedEmail API actions. Data used to render the template is provided via the TemplateData field.

SES accepts the message if the payload for aboce actions is valid. However the rendering can still fail due to errors in the template. In this case the email is not sent, and neither is a message returned to the requestor about such an error.

To avoid such silent failures, setup notifications for rendering failures.