Inspired by Thoughworks Tech Radar
Name | Notes | Stage |
allsky | star trails using Rasberry Pi | ๐ |
anki | flash cards | ๐ |
astral/ruff | fast py linter, formatter | ๐ |
astral/uv | fast py package manager | ๐ | | diagrams, achitectures | โ |
duplicati | backups | ๐ |
excalidraw | diagrams | ๐ |
ghostty | Fancy terminal | ๐ |
gofr | golang microservice framework | ๐ |
hugo | generate templated static sites | โ |
k9s | k8slens in terminal | โ |
logseq | outliner, only bullets, no cloud | ๐ |
mermaid | diagrams as code | โ |
mob | peer programming, and git handover | ๐ |
obsidian | notes app, not for me | ๐ |
rectangleapp | arrange windows | โ |
syncthing | backups, file sync | ๐ |
vite | generate custom static sites | โ |
vscode | IDE | โ |
vscode/ext/dev-containers | โ | |
vscode/ext/gitlens | โ | |
brew | macos pkg manager | โ |
Name | Notes | Stage |
alertmanager | alerting | โ |
atlasgo | manage db schemas as code | ๐ |
argo/argocd | gitops k8s cd | โ |
argo/events | for event driven arch | โ |
argo/workflows | workflow orchestration | โ |
atlantis | decorate terraform pull-requests | ๐ |
authentik | open-source Identity Provider | ๐ |
backstage | internal developer platform | ๐ |
cartography | visualize cloud infrastructure | ๐ |
cloud-custodian | rules engine | ๐ |
cloudevents | cloud events | ๐ |
cortex | horizontally scalable prometheus storage | ๐ |
crossplane | manage infrastructure as native k8s objects | ๐ |
dapr | event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications | ๐ |
grafana | visualize metrics | โ |
harbor | open source cloud native registry, OCI only | โ |
harness | internal developer platform | ๐ |
hashicorp/terraform | infrastructure as code | โ |
hashicorp/vault | secrets management | โ |
infracost | surface cloud cost in cicd pipelines | ๐ |
istio | service mesh | โ |
juicefs | posix file system backed by redis and s3 | ๐ |
k8sgpt | chatgpt for k8s | ๐ |
kafka | event streaming | ๐ |
keda | event driven auto-sclaing | ๐ |
keycloak | open-source identity and access management | ๐ |
komiser | visualize cloud infrastructure | โ |
koperator | useful to manage [kafka] | ๐ |
kro | manage any group of resources as one unit | ๐ |
kyverno | policies for k8s cluster | ๐ |
linkerd2 | service mesh | ๐ |
loki | logs | โ |
mimir | horizontally scalable prometheus storage | ๐ |
minio | s3 compatible object store | โ |
hashicorp/nomad | simple orchestrator | ๐ |
opa-gatekeeper | k8s admission controller | โ |
open-telemetry | ๐ | |
openllmetry | monitor your LLM app | ๐ |
prefect | workflow orchestration | ๐ |
prometheus | tsdb | โ |
ray | scale mlops | ๐ |
rook | storage orchestrator - file, block, object | ๐ |
sentry | Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring | ๐ |
slurm | workflow orchestration | ๐ |
thanos | scalable prometheus storage | โ |
traefik | proxy | ๐ |
volcano | k8s batch workloads | ๐ |
Icon | Status |
๐ | bookmark |
๐ | try |
โ | adopt |
โ | contain, retire |
๐ | avoid |