Amazon MQ  sandbox 

Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ

Amazon MQ supports industry standard APIs such as JMS and NMS, and protocols for messaging, including AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, and WebSocket.

two types of broker storage – durability optimized (EFS), and throughput optimized (EBS).

For high volume applications, throughput optimized storage is better, can provide the required throughput and optimize costs by reducing the number of brokers required.

Network of brokers

active/standby, where each broker has a standby node with a shared storage which can take over if the active fails.

Single-instance brokers can cause outage when the broker fails while a replacement broker is provisioned.

Use network of brokers if you need high availability, fast reconnection or need to scale horizontally.

Open source project deployed on, and maintained by AWS.